Last night I was also trying to figure out why my legs were do damned itchy. Then I remembered the huge bushes of of stinging nettles I gleefully charged through with the strimmer. What I didn't realise at the time was that the strimmer was not only slaying the nettles but also flinging the bits at high velocity at my bare legs!

I live, I learn, I itch, I love the bite clicker...
How I feel your pain. It's one reason why I have not been out in the garden as much as I should this year. It always helps to have a ready excuse in order to atchieve this happy situation. So far I have manage to mow the lawns and cut back some of the shrubs, without to much effort. Another excuse I use is that when the wealy bin is full I realy do not want to leave rubish all over the garden.
At first glance that bite looks like a nipple - ooer!
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